Facing down intraluminal contamination risks with innovative stopcock design

Stopcocks have a mixed reputation among medical staff who use them. On the one hand, the device simplifies infusion, blood sampling and drug administration routines and is included in many standard procedures. On the other hand, research has validated the concern of increased risk of intraluminal contamination when using stopcocks.
Patient Safety in the ICU

Patient safety has become a major concern in the healthcare industry.To raise awareness for patient safety, the World Health Organisation celebrates Patient Safety Day on December 9th every year.
CLABSI prevention challenges

Majority of CLABSIs are related to the use of central venous catheters and are in fact one of the most important complication in critical care.
CDC Guidelines for catheter related infection prevention in ICU

The burden of infection control is even greater in critically ill patients, as they are naturally weakened by their state of health.
Efforts to Reduce Risk of Error in Anesthesia Drug Administration

Just the thought triggers a sense of unease for any anesthetist, CRNA and medical practitioner responsible for any aspect of drug administration in a hospital environment.
Patient Safety in Anesthesia – Recent Advances

Patient safety is paramount in all aspects of medicine and medical care, but there is a particular concern for safety and injury prevention in the perioperative setting where the patient is often exposed to significant risk
The Complications of Obesity and Anesthesia

The rise in obesity rates is a major concern for healthcare providers. In addition to seeing more and more patients suffer from obesity-related conditions, it is also more complex to provide healthcare to these individuals.
The Challenges of Intubation in the OR and the ICU

The process of intubation might seem like a routine task in hospitals, it’s a critical procedure that requires special care and attention.
Telemedicine and Nursing Care in Intensive Care Units

The healthcare industry continues to evolve as we find new ways to leverage technology to provide better care for patients.
The Role of Nurses Inside and Outside the Hospital

International Nurses Day is here again and we want to take the time to shed light on what makes nurses so valuable to hospitals and their communities.